25. Appendix - I Using the ‘teardown’ Program

The ‘teardown’ program allows for select ‘tear down’ of the POWER-Up environment on the deployer node and cluster switches. It is primarily used when redeploying your cluster for test purposes, after taking corrective action after previous deployment failures or for removing the POWER-Up environment from the deployer node.

Similar to the pup program, teardown has built in help and supports tab completion.


teardown <command> [<args>] [options] [–help | -h]

The teardown program can perform the following functions;

  • Destroy the container associated with the current config.yml file. $ teardown deployer –container
  • Undo the deployer network configuration associated with the current config.yml file $ teardown deployer –networks
  • Undo the configuration of the data switches associated with the current config.yml file. $ teardown switches –data

NOTE: teardown actions are driven by the current config.yml file. If you wish to make changes to your cluster configuration, be sure to teardown the existing cluster configuration before changing your config.yml file.

For a typical re-deploy where the POWER-Up software does not need updating, you should teardown the deployer container and the data switches configuration.